Porta Docs


Providing an overview of the identity pallet and associated tutorials.
Porta gives you the opportunity to store personal information on the blockchain.
You do not have to use this service, but for those of you that do we have provided a guide below.
Users can set an identity by registering through default fields such as legal name, display name, website, Twitter handle, Riot handle, as well as other custom fields.
Users must reserve funds in a bond to store their information on chain. These funds are only locked, not spend, and are returned to the use when the identity is cleared.

Here is a list of the tutorials we offer on identity:

How much you are required to bond to create an identity

The amount you are required to bond can be viewed by querying constants through the Chain state constants tab on polkadot.js/apps.
Select identity as the selected constant query.
The constants are listed on the right. You can select one, click the "plus" icon and be presented with the required bond amount.
Each field can store up to 32 bytes of information, so the data must be less than that.
You can request for the information you provide to be validated by registrars.


Registrars can set a fee for their services and limit their attestation to certain fields. For example, a registrar could charge 10 PORTA tokens to verify one's legal name, email, and GPG key. When a user requests judgement, they will pay this fee to the registrar who provides the judgement on those claims. Users set a maximum fee they are willing to pay and only registrars below this amount would provide judgement.


After a user injects their information on chain, they can request judgement from a registrar. Users declare a maximum fee that they are willing to pay for judgement, and registrars whose fee is below that amount can provide a judgement.
When a registrar provides judgement, they can select up to six levels of confidence in their attestation:
  • Unknown: The default value, no judgement made yet.
  • Reasonable: The data appears reasonable, but no in-depth checks (e.g., formal KYC process) were performed.
  • Known Good: The registrar has certified that the information is correct.
  • Out of Date: The information used to be good but is now out of date.
  • Low Quality: The information is low quality or imprecise but can be fixed with an update.
  • Erroneous: The information is erroneous and may indicate malicious intent.
A seventh state, "fee paid", is for when a user has requested judgement and it is in progress. Information that is in this state or "erroneous" is "sticky" and cannot be modified; it can only be removed by complete removal of the identity.
Registrars gain trust by performing proper due diligence and would presumably be replaced for issuing faulty judgements.