Porta Docs
Part 4. Setup validator
A step-by-step tutorial showing how to activate the validator node

Create a stash account, controller account and, optionally, a reward account.

IMPORTANT: While creating these accounts you must be connected to your node (wss://www.mydomain.com:443), not Porta’s node (wss://console.porta.network:443).
In our example we will direct staking rewards to our rewards account, but you may choose to direct them to your stash account.
We will call our accounts ‘user-stash’, ‘user-controller’ and ‘user-rewards’.
Go Accounts > My Accounts > Add Account
Follow the same process to create an account for ‘user-controller’ and ‘user-reward’. You should now have the following three accounts:
Ensure the accounts have relevant funds:
You need to ensure the following:
  1. 1.
    The stash account has the funds you want to stake
  2. 2.
    The controller account has enough funds to cover transaction fees
  3. 3.
    The reward account has more funds than the existential amount set by the blockchain

Bond stash account to controller account; delegate rewards to reward account:

Go to Network > Staking
Account Actions > + Stash
Fill out the field as per the image below
You will now have your bonded accounts listed.

Generate the session keys for the validator account

Go to Developer > RPC Calls
Author > Rotate Keys > Submit RPC Call Copy the hex result.

Add the session keys for the validator account

Go to Network > Staking
Account Actions > Session Key
Paste in the hex session key
Click Validate
Set commission and click validate

Check everything is working and wait for the next era

Network > Staking > Account Actions > All Stashes
This screen will confirm the session keys are set.
Network > Staking > Waiting This will confirm the intention to be a validator
Network > Overview This will confirm the time until the next Era
Once the new era has begun you will see yourself in the validator list
You will notice your node producing blocks in the terminal
Eventually, you will notice your validator have a reward and being able use PAYOUT to capture that reward
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