Porta Docs
Part 1. Setup the server
A step-by-step tutorial showing how to setup a server on Digital Ocean and install the dependencies required for the Porta node.
Requirement: A Digital Ocean server costing $12 per month


Setup a Virtual Private Server on Digital Ocean
Choose: Explore our control panel
Create a new project and give it a:
  • name
  • description
  • purpose
Choose: Skip for now.
Choose: Get Started with a Droplet
  • Server: Ubuntu 20.04
  • CPU: Shared Basic
  • Specification: $12/mo
Choose: London
Set password
  • Hostname
  • Project
  • Enable backup
Click: Create Droplet
The droplet will begin starting
Once the loading has finished it will look like this
Click into the Droplet
Open the Console
Update and Upgrade
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
Choose: Y
Choose: Keep the local version currently installed

Build Dependencies

sudo apt install -y git clang curl libssl-dev llvm libudev-dev

Build Rust Developer Environment

curl https://getsubstrate.io -sSf | bash -s -- --fast
Close the console
Open the console
Confirm the installation completed successfully
rustup show
Clone the Porta node.
git clone https://github.com/porta-network/porta-node.git
You can see the porta-node has been installed in the root directory by running ‘ls’
Enter the porta-node folder
cd porta-node/
Build the porta node
the process will take about 100 minutes.

Start the node

Please enter a name for your validator node.
./target/release/porta --chain chain-spec-padlock.json -d data/[Validator name] --name [Validator name] --ws-external --rpc-external --rpc-cors all --rpc-methods=unsafe
Wait for the sync to complete...
synchronisation takes about 5 minutes per 100,000 blocks
You can tell when the synchronisation has completed because the BEST block in Porta Explorer (https://console.porta.network/#/explorer) will match the block number in your terminal.
To communicate with the node through Polkadot-JS UI you must set up a secure proxy for web socket connections. Let's see how we can set up WSS on a remote Substrate node.
Stop the node running by pressing CRTL+C
Install nginx
sudo apt-get install nginx
Wait for the installation to finish.

Check nginx is working

Get the IP address of your server from Digital Ocean
Paste the IP address into a web browser and you will be met with the nginx welcome screen
You are now ready to move onto Part 2 of this tutorial series.
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