Ready to get more funding?
PortaEcosystem Grants
A gateway for funding your next project on the Porta blockchain
Apply for a Porta Ecosystem grant todayPorta Ecosystem Grants funds blockchain technology projects that meet the needs of a rapidly accelerating Porta ecosystem.
We are focused on funding core components and technology that will facilitate benefits for the blockchain community and beyond.
For 2021, we will reward up to $60k worth of grants dispersed in amounts of $10,000 and $15,000. We are aiming to reward 2-4 grants for this initial run.
We are looking for Rust projects. As long as your project is built using Rust and you can connect to our blockchain - you should apply.
Ecosystem Grant Categories
19th August 2021
Application deadline
19th Sep 2021
Grant winners announced
30th Sep 2021
Application Process
Submit your grant application
The team will reach out for an interview and see if your application is a good fit.
Grant winners announced.
Onboarding & milestone setting.
Grant distribution.
Porta Ecosystem Grants FAQs
What is the process for applying?
Once your team has applied, you will receive a confirmation email. We will have internal review rounds, and if your application passes we will then reach out to you for an interview.
How many steps are there in the process?
Once applicants apply, the applicants move through four evaluation stages. In each stage, an application is moved forward to the next stage or denied. The applicant is only notified during the process if their application does not move forward to the next round. The award is decided after the 4th stage.
How long is the grants process once we apply?
The process is typically 1 month from the application deadline to the award.
What does a good application look like?
Please section named "Ecosystem Grant Application Best Practices".
We are a private business, can we apply?
Yes, private businesses are welcome to apply but should only apply for Porta Ecosystem Grants funding if what they plan to build will be open source.
We are a team of individuals, not a business entity can we still apply?
How long is project delivery if accepted?
Project delivery is contingent upon your milestones. Three months is standard but we are open to supporting projects that extend past three months.
How are projects funded?
Projects are funded in USDT.
How are payments distributed?
We will work with the project leaders to distribute their grants to a wallet of their choice.
Ecosystem Grant Application Best Practices
Are you interested in applying for a Porta Ecosystem grant? If so, here are some best practices that will help you create a winning application:
Check that your project meets the criteria
Some applicants do not advance because they do not meet the criteria (link to the website) listed on our website.
More details always help
A more detailed application will improve your chances. We are looking for relevant information about your project and more supporting evidence of a project's viability will help
What about the money?
Explain how your funds will be allocated. Having a clear idea of what you will spend the grant on is an important part of the assessment process.
Ask for help!
Friends or colleagues not directly involved in the project are some of the best people you can reach out to for help. Ask an outside party to look over your application. It never hurts to have a second pair of eyes spot errors. Double check your application for spelling mistakes, or any missing details.